A Bird’s Eye View of Software Quality Metrics

Anusha K, Ankita Sri

Abstract: Quality is a very important aspect for the software product. Good quality product provides customer satisfaction and provides all benefits to organization and helps the organization to meet their goals.  Metrics are used by the software industry to quantify the development of software. Quality increases productivity, which brought software metrics to the forefront. There are various types of software quality metrics to ensure customer satisfaction. The process of applying software metrics to a software process and to a software product is a complex task which requires discipline and knowledge of the status of the process and product of software in regards to the goals to achieve.

There are specific metrics for different stages of the software development cycle. When a company uses the best software metric during each development phase, the quality of the software will dramatically increase. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use software metrics during all stages of the development process. There are various software quality models available like the quality models as defined by McCall, Richards and Walters in 1977 and the later model of Boëhm published in 1978. Models can be chosen according to the size and the structure of project, type of project or which best suits the organization. Various software quality metrics and the various models present which will be discussed in this paper.

Keywords: Software Quality, Reliability, Software Metrics, Function point, Object Oriented.

Title: A Bird’s Eye View of Software Quality Metrics

Author: Anusha K, Ankita Sri

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, April 2015 - June 2015

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A Bird’s Eye View of Software Quality Metrics by Anusha K, Ankita Sri