A Preliminary Study of Moss Flora of Murlen National Park Mizoram India

Lalhriatpuia, Ramachandra Laha, P.C. Lalremruata

Abstract: A survey of the moss flora of Murlen National Park, Champhai District, Mizoram was conducted during July 2016. The occurrence of 25 taxa of mosses distributed under 23 genera and 17 families has been recorded. Bryaceae, Dicranaceae and Neckeraceae are the most dominant families in the study area. All the species recorded here are New to the Moss flora of Murlen National Park.

Keywords: Mosses, Murlen National Park, Mizoram, India.

Title: A Preliminary Study of Moss Flora of Murlen National Park Mizoram India

Author: Lalhriatpuia, Ramachandra Laha, P.C. Lalremruata

International Journal of Life Sciences Research    

ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 2, April 2018 – June 2018

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A Preliminary Study of Moss Flora of Murlen National Park Mizoram India by Lalhriatpuia, Ramachandra Laha, P.C. Lalremruata