Analysing Heritage Building Conservation Against Sustainability factors

Ahmed Gomaa

Abstract: Conservation, in general, is a set of activities lead to preserving or protecting a resource or something before it is depleted or consumed due to natural causes or human activities, while Sustainability is considered as a positive action to maintain resources on a certain level. In a way Conservation is serving the purpose and leading to sustainability. This paper examines the Heritage Building Conservation activities and how they are affecting the Sustainability factors. A break down for Heritage building conservation activities was used to evaluate impact of them on these factors and ways to improve their performance. It was concluded that Heritage Conservation is a Sustainable process with a varying performance regarding the Sustainability pillars, the Economic and Social factors achieved a high compatibility with the Sustainability factors with a degree of compliance ranging between 83% and 100% respectively due to the positive impact on community related aspects, such as tourism, employment, craftmanship education, traditions and religion whilst the Environmental factors showed less influence due to the nature of the material and construction techniques used.  Many measures could be introduced to improve the Environmental factors towards Sustainability like, Aerosols using propellants, such as hydrocarbons and compressed gases like nitrous oxide, which do not deplete the ozone layer, improving equipment and material used such as fuel, lead and construction additives, adopting techniques to reuse stone/brick production and repairs wastes and examining the feasibility of using less health harmful materials in Heritage Conservation applications.

Keywords: Heritage Conservation, Sustainability, Cultural Significance, Traditions and Craftsmanship, Sustainable Development.

Title: Analysing Heritage Building Conservation Against Sustainability factors

Author: Ahmed Gomaa

International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews

ISSN 2348-697X (Online)

Vol. 11, Issue 4, October 2023 - December 2023

Page No: 26-47

Research Publish Journals


Published Date: 08-November-2023


Vol. 11, Issue 4, October 2023 - December 2023

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Analysing Heritage Building Conservation Against Sustainability factors by Ahmed Gomaa