Executions: Ancient Methods and Evolution

Dr. Sunil M. Doshi, Dr. Lavleshkumar, Dr. Binaykumar Bastia

Abstract:  Executions, word itself drives the mind towards its question of existence in present era. A vast number of organizations and commissions try to put an end to the capital punishments from all constitutions. But a very few focus towards the methods of executions. There is no doubt that the methods for lawful killing of a criminal change from time to time with advancement of technologies. Where in past, the motive behind the creation of methods of executions was not only to end one’s life but also to take his life in such a manner that to make horrible examples for the public. With evolution in methods of capital punishments, it seems that these existing methods are more humane or are they just claimed to be more humane? From so many examples of botched executions till date, it seems that technology and research towards development of appropriate method is far more behind than it should be.

Keywords:  Methods of Executions, Capital Punishment.

Title: Executions: Ancient Methods and Evolution

Author: Dr. Sunil M. Doshi, Dr. Lavleshkumar, Dr. Binaykumar Bastia

International Journal of Healthcare Sciences

ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 1, April 2014 - September 2014

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Executions: Ancient Methods and Evolution by Dr. Sunil M. Doshi, Dr. Lavleshkumar, Dr. Binaykumar Bastia