Hyper Personalization using AI in Marketing

Henna Shareef, Keerthi Reddy

Abstract: The use of hyper personalization in marketing is increasingly adopted by organizations as consumer behavior is dynamic towards the existing products and techniques. It also changed the way people compare and buy products. This can lead to a huge competition among the companies as the world and technologies are under dynamic changes. Hence the companies had to constantly create innovation in their businesses by upgrading to better use of advanced technologies. The best strategy in the upcoming era is to understand the behavioral pattern of every single customer and provide the best user experience, so that they can retain their market share. The personalized experiences created by the organizations for each and every customer may enable the companies to stand out as well as wealth maximization of shareholders. Since the marketers gives more focus on achieving high level of personalization to meet the consumer demand and expectation for more relevant customer engagement, companies are adopting emerging technologies and automation tools. This paper is a detailed analysis of how personalized experiences and products influence the customers. This paper also gives insight about how technology has changed over the past few years and consequently the face of marketing in this new age.

Keywords: Hyper personalization, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, Analytics.

Title: Hyper Personalization using AI in Marketing

Author: Henna Shareef, Keerthi Reddy

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 7, Issue 2, October 2019 – March 2020

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Hyper Personalization using AI in Marketing by Henna Shareef, Keerthi Reddy