Inter-Relationships of Yield and Components of Yield at Different Stages of Maturity in Three Groundnuts (Arachishypogaea L) Varieties

James Seutra Kaba, Kwadwo Ofori, F.K. Kumaga

Abstract: The subterranean nature of fruiting in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) and its indeterminate growth habit makes it difficult to determine the time of maximum maturity of pods. The objectives of the study were to: determine the time to harvest groundnut for optimum yield of pods for varieties differing in flowering and maturity date, and estimate potential yield losses at different harvesting dates. Three groundnut genotypes (‘Chinese’, ‘F-Mix’ and ‘Kpedevi’) were harvested over a period of seven weeks. A split-plot design with four replications was used with the groundnut genotypes as main plots and the harvest dates as sub-plots.  Data taken were: number of mature pods, number of immature pods, number of pegs, top shoot weight, days to 50% flowering and days to first flowering. The genotypes showed an increasing trend in the number of mature pods plant-1 as harvesting date delayed. Maximum mature pods of 27, 24, and 14 plant-1 was produced by ‘Kpedevi’, ‘F-Mix’ and ‘Chinese’ genotypes at 112, 105 and 98 DAS respectively. None of the three genotypes produced mature pods at 70 DAS. The number of immature pods and number of pegs were components of mature pods in the three genotypes. Top shoot reduction was an indicator of maturity in both ‘Chinese’ and ‘F-Mix’ genotypes but could result in yield loss due to late harvesting in ‘Kpedevi’.

Keyword: Genotype, ‘Chinese’, ‘F-Mix’ and ‘Kpedevi’

Title:  Inter-Relationships of Yield and Components of Yield at Different Stages of Maturity in Three Groundnuts (Arachishypogaea L) Varieties

Author: James Seutra Kaba, Kwadwo Ofori, F.K. Kumaga,

International Journal of Life Sciences Research      

ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 1, January - March 2014

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Inter-Relationships of Yield and Components of Yield at Different Stages of Maturity in Three Groundnuts (Arachishypogaea L) Varieties by James Seutra Kaba, Kwadwo Ofori, F.K. Kumaga