Key Elements of Wastewater Technology Management Applicable for Screen Reclamation of Screen Printing Industry

Aileen I. Atienza

Abstract: The purpose of this research is mainly focused on the identification of perception on the proposed key elements or components of the wastewater technology management system that can be utilized by micro and small screen printing companies in order to manage the proper handling and disposal of wastewater generated during washing and cleaning of screens or the screen reclamation process. In order to attain the said purpose, survey was conducted to members of six (6) different screen printing organizations who served as either employees or belonged to top management of micro and small screen printing companies. Validated questionnaires were given to the respondents electronically and manually and follow-up interview was made to clarify certain aspects of the study. The key elements identified were focused on the technical and operational requirements of technology acquisition, adoption and innovation including the corresponding policies and guidelines, trainings and seminars pertaining to proper wastewater management compliance.

Keywords: Key elements, Wastewater technology management, Screen printing, Screen reclamation.

Title: Key Elements of Wastewater Technology Management Applicable for Screen Reclamation of Screen Printing Industry

Author: Aileen I. Atienza

International Journal of Life Sciences Research

ISSN 2348-313X (Print), ISSN 2348-3148 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2020 – March 2020

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Key Elements of Wastewater Technology Management Applicable for Screen Reclamation of Screen Printing Industry by Aileen I. Atienza