Media Industry Development in France


Abstract: In France, as elsewhere, mass communication play a decisive role in democratic life and constitute fundamental vectors for everyone's access to knowledge, entertainment and social life. As such, the State is responsible for supporting their proper development internally and internationally, promoting pluralism of information, richness and diversity of cultural creation, and facilitating access to all to these contents.

This media development policy essentially depends on the growth and development of digital techniques on these last few past years.

Thus, we will see in this research study the history of the French media industry as well as its development.

This will also allow us to analyze and compare the French media industry with the global media and to understand particularly our limits and the necessary improvements to do in the future.

Keywords: Media Industry Development, France.

Title: Media Industry Development in France

Author: BEN SALEM Mayssa

International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Research Publish Journals

Vol 8, Issue 3, July 2020 - September 2020

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Media Industry Development in France by BEN SALEM Mayssa