Modular Integrated Ecocriticism Literature: A Proposed Approach to Teaching Post-Haiyan Poetry

Ruth Lumapas Sayde

Abstract: This qualitative study aimed to integrated post-Haiyan poetry in teaching ecocriticism literature through modular approach. Specifically, this study aims to: a. recognize the educational value of an eco-literature in terms of transmission of feelings and messages on environmental degradation; b. extraction of the root causes of environmental crisis; c. promotion of eco-consciousness on environmental values and issues; and, d. development of ecological or environmental literacy. It also sought to identify what teaching methodologies and techniques can be utilized; determine what learning activities can be suggested; and, develop a proposed learning material. Teaching post-Haiyan poetry can certainly encapsulates the recollected feelings and sentiments. Using ecocriticism theory in environmental literature, students can unearth not just the deep feelings and messages on environmental degradation but also explore the causes of environmental crisis. Awareness can be derived and used as a spring-board to let people think twice on their actions towards the environment. Also, environmental literacy can be developed through understanding people’s place on Earth and the importance of nature to them as it provide us with useful enlightenment on how to handle the relationship between man and nature. Teaching approaches were suggested to use in teaching Ecocriticism such as Personal Growth Model, Moral-Philosophical Approach, Information-based Approach, Personal response-based Approach, Thematic Approach, Group Approach, Response Approach, and Problem-posing Approach. In teaching methods, Criticism method, Discussion method, Discovery method, Activity method and Read and Explain method though related to discussion method can also be used. To make learning interactive, Information-Based Activities like comprehension questions exercises, lecture sessions, and read notes from workbooks/handouts with students was suggested. Personal-Response Activities such as explain a text to students, journal writing, brainstorming sessions, small group discussions and writing about feelings/reactions towards an issue. Moral-Philosophical Activities like reflective sessions, discussions on moral dilemmas, tell moral values to students and conduct self-evaluation activities can be used. Other activities can be also useful like concept mapping, student-teacher discussion, and discussion of a topic with a partner, group discussion, film viewing, role-playing, reflective essays, and storytelling. A learning module was developed to aid literature teachers in teaching ecocriticism theory. The material can help students in understanding ecocriticism theory and the importance of studying environmental-related literature. The module also contains discussion on the four guide post used by Acompañado et. al. study in analyzing eco-literature. A guide on how to make an environmental-related literature critique was also included.

Keywords: ecocriticism theory, modular approach, post-Haiyan poetry, Samarnon literature.

Title: Modular Integrated Ecocriticism Literature: A Proposed Approach to Teaching Post-Haiyan Poetry

Author: Ruth Lumapas Sayde

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Vol. 10, Issue 2, April 2022 - June 2022

Page No: 480-489

Research Publish Journals


Published Date: 11-June-2022


Vol. 10, Issue 2, April 2022 - June 2022

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Modular Integrated Ecocriticism Literature: A Proposed Approach to Teaching Post-Haiyan Poetry by Ruth Lumapas Sayde