Overview on the Current Status of SMEs in Oman: Challenges and Recommendations

Khalid M. S. Al-Maadi, K. Ramanathan

Abstract: Small & medium enterprises (SMEs) are very important and play great role in Oman economy. The SME sector has shown an incredible growing in the past few years in Oman and yet there is potential for more growing and improvement. However, SMEs contribution to the national economy is still relatively small. Moreover, limited research conducted on SMEs in Oman. This study aimed to highlight the current challenges faced in the SME sector in Oman based on the previous literature review in order to identify the current gaps and overcome the current obstacles. In spite of this, SMEs are still facing heaps of challenges and obstacles that deter them from further expanding their businesses and sustainable growth. Different challenges were highlighted related to different points of view such as social responsibilities in SMEs and women entrepreneurs.

Keywords: small and medium enterprises, SME, Oman, Challenges.

Title: Overview on the Current Status of SMEs in Oman: Challenges and Recommendations

Author: Khalid M. S. Al-Maadi, K. Ramanathan

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 7, Issue 2, October 2019 – March 2020

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Overview on the Current Status of SMEs in Oman: Challenges and Recommendations by Khalid M. S. Al-Maadi, K. Ramanathan