Rehabilitation of a Beam & Column in R.C Structures by Using Steel Jacketing Technique

Avinash Singh, Mrs. Rashmi Sakalle, Mrs. Nita Rajvaidya

Abstract: Earth quake is one of the greatest natural hazards to life on this planet. The effects of the earthquake are very sudden with little or no warning to make alert against damages and collapse of the buildings. The hazards of life in the case of earthquake are entirely associated with manmade structures like building, bridges and dams etc. Prevention of structure from this disaster has become increasingly important in recent years. Prevention of disaster includes the prevention of seismic risk through retrofitting of existing buildings in order to meet the seismic safety requirements. There are lot of building which are not designed for earthquake forces or many buildings which are designed for earthquake forces but later on due to change in earthquake code, these buildings are needed to be retrofied. The new construction can be built earth quake resistant easily by adopting proper design methodology and quality control in construction but old construction which is not design with code provisions posses’ enormous seismic risk in particular to human life and historic monuments. Most of the losses of lives in previous earthquakes in different countries have occurred due to collapse of buildings, these buildings are generally non-engineered, those constructed without any concern with the engineer. The safety of the non-engineered buildings from the large earthquakes is a subject of highest priority because in view of the fact that in the moderate to severe seismic zones of the world more than 90% of the population still lives and works in such buildings. The risk to casualty is rapidly increasing due to increasing population, poverty, deficiency of modern building materials, as cement and steel, lack of awareness and necessary skills and technology, particularly in the developing countries. Most of the small and residential buildings are built rapidly with little or without engineering inputs. The main problem creating this situation is lack of awareness, knowledge, and poor mechanism of technology dissemination. So it is highly needed to increase its capacity to bear these forces caused due to earthquake. Many high rise buildings are highly vulnerable to earthquake due to more height and large occupancy. The Bhuj earthquake of 26 January- 2001 can be considered as an ill-fated event when this class of buildings feels catastrophic damage causing large scale casualty and property loss. These buildings need immediate attention and seismic retrofit of such buildings to get safe from upcoming severe problems. This thesis presents an attempt towards quantitative evaluation of seismic vulnerability of this particular type of buildings and proposes practical solutions to reduce it. The results, with and without strengthening measures, are compared to estimate the effectiveness of the various intervention options. Keywords: Seismic Retrofit, Seismic Vulnerability, Disaster, Human life, Increasing Population, Poverty, Deficiency of Modern Building Materials. Title: Rehabilitation of a Beam & Column in R.C Structures by Using Steel Jacketing Technique Author: Avinashsingh,Mrs.RashmiSakalle,Mrs. Nita Rajvaidya International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research ISSN 2348-7607 (Online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 1, April 2016 – September 2016

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Rehabilitation of a Beam & Column in R.C Structures by Using Steel Jacketing Technique by Avinash Singh, Mrs. Rashmi Sakalle, Mrs. Nita Rajvaidya