Rigid Body and Modal Analysis of Independent Suspension Link

Vijaykumar V Solanki, Prof. N.S.Patel

Abstract: The durability of automotive components is a critical aspect in the product development. Failure in component will lead to a serious damage not only the design of the component itself, but the entire system of vehicle. In this paper, a forces aced on a critical component was determined from multi-body simulation system for double wishbone suspension system under braking and cornering load cases. Using conventional method we cannot derive the forces on each part as it will denote the forces of whole vehicle as we consider overall weight and geometry of vehicle. That’s why ADAMS/view used as it gave output of forces on individual component of suspension. And complete FEM analysis of a suspension link for bending vibrations, braking, pitching, bouncing and combined mode dynamic analysis for deformation and stresses. For this a 3-D solid parametric model of a suspension link is generated in Pro-E Wildfire. Rigid body mode shape and participation factor effects by meshing in Hyper mesh by Shell 181, Solid 285 tetrahedral, MPC184 link/Beam, CP rig elements. It is analyzed for natural frequency and deflection. The ANSYS is used as solver. From the Modal Analysis normally it seems the lower arm is very stiff in breaking mode, i.e. higher the frequency higher the stiffness, the frequency is directly proportional to K and inversely proportional to Mass. The natural frequency for breaking mode is 391.5 Hz compared to natural frequencies respectively of rolling and pitching 132.5 HZ & 168.9 HZ. So, we can improve dynamic characteristic by increasing strength and frequency in rolling and pitching model.

Keywords: Durability, FEM Analysis, Parametric Model, Mode Shape, rolling mode, pitching mode, breaking mode, ADAMS/View, Quasi-Static.

Title: Rigid Body and Modal Analysis of Independent Suspension Link

 Author: Vijaykumar V Solanki, Prof. N.S.Patel

International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, April - June 2014

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Rigid Body and Modal Analysis of Independent Suspension Link by Vijaykumar V Solanki, Prof. N.S.Patel