Spiritual Well-Being Among Undergraduates of Different Streams; An Explanatory study

Ms.Sindhu.V, Dr.Maheshbabu.N

Abstract: Spiritual well-being is an integral part of mental, emotional and physical health. The present study aims to know the level of spiritual well-being among undergraduates of different streams i.e. B.Sc., B. Com, and B.A by both quantitative and qualitative analysis. About 50 participants were taken for the study pursing their degree, of different streams from SDM college, Ujire. The tools used for the study is spiritual well-being scale developed by R.F. Paloutzian and Ellison.C.W. The sampling method used is purposive sampling and survey sampling research design used. The questions for qualitative study consists of 11. The paradigm used here is constructivism. The method used is semi-structured interview. The Statistical analysis used for quantitative analysis is Independent Sample t-test and One-Way Analysis of Variance and for quantitative analysis Chi-square test is used to find the independence of attributes 4 pair of questions taken for the study. Percentage analysis is done for each question. The study reveals that, there is no significant difference in spiritual well-being across gender. Also, there is no significant difference of spiritual well-being among B.Sc. B. Com and B.A Students. The participants have good existential well-being than religious well-being. The study can be implied in the field of education to know spiritual well-being of individual and reduce misconception in them.

Keywords: Spiritual Well-Being, Undergraduates of Different Streams.

Title: Spiritual Well-Being Among Undergraduates of Different Streams; An Explanatory study

Author: Ms.Sindhu.V,  Dr.Maheshbabu.N

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol 8, Issue 2, April 2020 - June 2020

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Spiritual Well-Being Among Undergraduates of Different Streams; An Explanatory study by Ms.Sindhu.V, Dr.Maheshbabu.N