Study of Attrition Trend and Influencing Factor in the Sectors of IT (Service) and Pharma (Manufacturing)

Pradeepkant Dube, Dr. Siddharth Verma

Abstract: Indian Industries are going through various phases of change, these changes are visible across the sectors of industries, be it service, manufacturing, supporting industries etc. Post globalisation and era of Technologies things have changed very drastic. Similarly things and behaviour of human resource has also changed, with faster pace of economic growth and demanding life style has impacted the thinking of human beings.

Human Resource which is one of the major pillar of the Industry and economy has also started behaving very dynamically, unlike prior to 90s where people used to get retired from one job and never thought of changing the job.

With changes in the economy, demand, supply, needs, technology, family factors and education systems, resources are more aware of their values and become more demanding and more forecasting towards their career and financial goals. Which has motivated resources to change the jobs may be due to career or financial or family reasons. These changes of job by resources resulting into the attrition of human resources impacts significantly on the company’s growth, financial planning and productivity.

Keywords: Human Resource, Attrition, age groups, Information and Technology (IT) and Pharma.

Title: Study of Attrition Trend and Influencing Factor in the Sectors of IT (Service) and Pharma (Manufacturing)

Author: Pradeepkant Dube, Dr. Siddharth Verma

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print) ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2015 - March 2015

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Study of Attrition Trend and Influencing Factor in the Sectors of IT (Service) and Pharma (Manufacturing) by Pradeepkant Dube, Dr. Siddharth Verma