The Diamond Framework Model as an Effective Tool for Project Management

Azad Abdulhafedh

Abstract: Project management has become a robust discipline with many competent practitioners. But despite the professionalism of project managers and the best efforts of project team members, many projects still fail. Even when managers deliver projects on time and on budget, they may still not meet the needs of their customers. Managers also sometimes misunderstand the common elements in their projects and try to reinvent the wheel. This might be too long, too costly and requires a big amount of expertise. This article addresses the Diamond Framework as an effective tool for analyzing the benefits and risks of different projects and offers project managers a way to distinguish and classify the type of project they are dealing with through a diamond-shaped framework, which provides a graphical illustration of a project according to its levels of novelty, technology, complexity, and pace.

Keywords: Project Management, Diamond Framework Model, NTCP Model, Business Innovation, Benefits and Risks.

Title: The Diamond Framework Model as an Effective Tool for Project Management

Author: Azad Abdulhafedh

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 9, Issue 2, October 2021 - March 2022

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The Diamond Framework Model as an Effective Tool for Project Management by Azad Abdulhafedh