Understanding the parts of PCB Layout

Pravin Bhadane, Suchita Bhangale, Aparna Lal

Abstract: Different parts of PCB layout have been studied for understanding their functions and use in PCB designing. PCB is an essential part of electronic circuit board on which electronic components are mounted. The main studied parts are pads, tracks, layers, mask, and silk screen. Some issues about the physical design of PCB such as chassis dimensions, location of input/output connectors, chassis mounting points, component parameters – size, heat dissipation have been studied. Present study is helpfulto the beginners as well as to the under graduate students of Electronics.

Keywords: footprint, heat sink, layer, pad, silk screen, track.

Title: Understanding the parts of PCB Layout

Author: Pravin Bhadane, Suchita Bhangale, Aparna Lal

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research  

ISSN 2348-6988 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 3, July 2018 - September 2018

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Understanding the parts of PCB Layout by Pravin Bhadane, Suchita Bhangale, Aparna Lal